Tidbits on blogging

Ermergod. I been so bad at keeping up with this blog. Sorry, it’s just life gets busy sometimes. And life gets stressful often. And procrastination.

I recently came across a new video from beauty blogger, Elle Fowler(you may know her as allthatglitters21), unfortunately she’s on bed rest because of an injury:( Hoping she feels better soon. I love watching her videos because she’s has such a bubbly,kind and haha rambly personality which I love. One thing that stood out was when she mentioned she had “good days” and “bad days” and how she tried to post videos up on her better days because of obvious reasons. There are thousands of lifestyle blogs out there, and I bet 90% of them are always 24/7 fabulous and oh my life is so beautiful, and #blessed and happy 100% of the time. It’s understandable that they have to do this, because readers don’t want to read about how you lazed around in your sweatpants all day and sobbing over The Notebook and questioning your entire life. They come here for bright  quirky  graphics and tips on how to be the “most successful you” and nail color pairings.

Honestly even as a “blogger” noob I already have days where I feel like shooting out two posts a day, and then even more days where I feel like quitting forever. Like what am I doing? o_o

At the end of the day, my best advice to bloggers, old or new, is that stick to what you love and stay true to who you really are. This is your space to unleash your inner fabulous demon,weirdness,quirks and your life. Don’t feel pressured to write posts you’re unfamiliar with just because you think it’ll gain you more “followers”. You want people who share the journey with you to  be people who actually care about your content and accept who you really are.

And I’m totally guilty of being intimidated by flawless pictures with perfect angles,food styling/table styling,perfect lighting and editing on blogs and instagram feeds. Just remember that achieving those images often take a lot of time, dedication and practice, and sometimes just luck!. Don’t expect to get it all right the first time:) I’m totally part of the bad lighting and lazy pictures committee.


Decent lighting days


Just no.

With those cheese balls being thrown out there; starting this blog has definitely been fun. Definitely contributed to my overall happiness and helped me set goals and challenge my confidence.

Thank you so much to my blogger/real life friend, Rachel. Your blog is too cute I can’t. Thanks for nominating me for the Liebster Award. It’s so fun to say too! Leeb,leeb,leeb,leeb…  I think it’s such a great idea for new bloggers to interact and feel around this unknown realm, because it can get overwhelming at times. I’m looking forward to meeting more bloggers along the way and making friends:D I will write another post for that because it comes with customized questions too!

If you stayed long enough to listen to this ramble, thank you~

I hope you’re having an amazing,positive week.


5 thoughts on “Tidbits on blogging

  1. Loved this post! Agree with zoo 100% 🙂 And thanks Rachel for showing me your blog through Liebster award 😀 Can’t wait to read more of your posts 🙂 about our perfect and happy days 😉

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